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Impact of Cell Phones on Today's Society

Pretty much everyone has a cell phone in today’s society. A person without a cell phone is in the distinct minority and is often responded to with incredulity when she says that she does not have one. Well over 50 percent of the population now has a cell phone, a percentage that grows daily. Cell phones have had an enormous impact on the way that people conduct business and communicate in today’s society.

Technological advances are the most important factor in the rise of the cell phone. The first cell phones that were introduced, in the 1980s, had only basic call functions and were enormous. Today’s cell phones, on the other hand, are tiny and can connect to the internet, letting their users check up on the latest news, entertainment, sports, and fashion, as well as allowing them the new methods of email and text messaging to communicate with friends at times when they would rather not make a phone call.

Cell phones have become wonder devices that consolidate all the electronics we need into a single package. Some cell phones today have technology that allows their users to watch live television no matter their location. Others have GPS navigational systems built in so that their users never have to worry about getting lost.

Cell phones have become a part of what we are and are a way to establish one’s own unique identity because so many options are now available. It is easy to find ringtones, backgrounds, and screensavers that fit with your personality and give your phone a distinct feel. Additionally, people often add songs and pictures to their phones that they want to have when out of the house.

Some people worry that the prevalence of cell phones and cell phone options have made the devices impersonal, allowing us to communicate with others without any face to face contact, or sometimes, without even hearing the other’ persons voice. Talking on a cell phone while driving has been shown t...

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Impact of Cell Phones on Today's Society. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 13:05, June 04, 2024, from